“A book – a city” – a project for Zhejiang TV, China

FilmspbTV proudly presents another great project filmed in Saint Petersburg, this time it was a project for the Chinese TV channel Zhejiang TV.
The filming took place in Russia in 2016, but Zhejiang TV aired the episode only in 2017.
It’s a great guide to the city filmed through the prism of a book of the great Russian poet Joseph Brodsky (Nobel Prize in Literature 1987). We would like to thank the crew for such a great experience in creating an unusual story about the city.
We were in charge of the permits, interviews organization, transport and providing local personnel where it was needed.

Services: Scouting, filming permits, logistics, casting

Local Crew: Fixer, interpreter

Location: Saint Petersburg 


Filming an intervirew in Saint Ptersburg, Russia