The Russian Episode of the interesting and successful show “Take off: Der Goldene Tabaluga”. It’s a tennagers oriented travel show that tells about different countries and cultures. Our crew was in charge of all the preproduction for the episode in Saint Petersburg. A complex casting of Russian teenagers consisting of 3 stages. Location scouting for the filming, location rental, providing transport and getting permits.
There were several things that were hard to achieve due to multiple administrative barriers. E.g filming in an orphanage in Russia – always requires a lot of paperwork. Nevertheless our fixers in Saint Petersburg successfully got all the required permits. We are proud to say that the filming in Russia went without any single problem. In FilmspbTV would like to thank the great German filming crew that did an excellent job filming this episode in Russia. It was a great experience and a big pleasure to work with you!
Services: Filming permits, Logistics, Fixer services, Casting
Local Crew: Fixer, Cast
Location: Saint Petersburg