Reunited for TVNZ1 (New Zealand) filming in Russia

FilmspbTV provided production services for the production of the factual reality TV series, Reunited for the New Zealand channel TVNZ1. Our team provided a wide range of services including equipment rental, logistics, local crew, fixer services, and filming permits to help bring this heartwarming story to life.

Hosted by Alex Gilbert, who was adopted from a Russian orphanage as a child, Reunited follows the journey of six adoptees as they search for their biological families. The series was filmed in locations including Los Angeles, Detroit, Iowa, Saint Petersburg, Moscow, and New Zealand, and is filled with shocking twists, unpredictable reunions, and moments of pure joy.

As a production company, we are proud to have been a part of such an impactful project. It was an honor to work with the Reunited team to help bring this story to audiences around the world. We hope that the series will inspire others to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and reunification.

Services: Filming coordination, Filming permits, Logistics, Equipment rental, Local crew

Local Crew: Fixer, DOP, Soundman

Location: Arkhangelsk, Barnaul, St Petersburg, Krasnodar


Filming reunited in Russia